Posted on December 10, 2017
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Categories: Events, News, Student Projects

On Tuesday, December 19th, students will have the final presentation for their Bravery in the Neighborhood project. For this project, students chose a location in the neighborhood, did extensive research on the site, and then outlined, drafted, revised, and recorded a podcast about their site. Now, we have compiled these podcasts to create an audio walking tour of the neighborhood!

As a whole school, we will be going on this walking tour from 1:45-3:20 on Tuesday the 19th. You are invited to join us and hear the students final work! If you plan to attend, please shoot us back an email so we have a sense of numbers and arrive between 1:15 and 1:30.

Some reminders for students (and families!) for the day:

Dress warmly! It will very likely be cold! Jackets, hats, gloves etc… will be important!
If students have a device with data, bring it to school with headphones. This will be important for listening to the podcasts!

After our neighborhood adventure Home and School will be hosting a hot chocolate sale. This will be a great way to warm up and support the school.

Students have worked very hard on this project. We’re excited to come together to celebrate their learning.

Thank you for all your support,
Hilary Hamilton and Sarah Bower-Grieco
The Humanities Team