In their most recent project, 5th and 6th grade humanities classes explored the system of the Electoral College. We examined its historical origins, the ongoing debates surrounding its effectiveness, and how the system’s racial implications have shaped such a complex tool of our democracy. Each student crafted a research-based argument about whether the Electoral College should be maintained, reformed, or abolished.
A few voyager students took our learning to the next level by organizing a debate event that brought our classroom learning to life. They created their own podiums, sourced equipment, and developed their own debate guidelines. With Teacher Lintulahti serving as moderator, and Ms. Carter and Ms. Mantie on their judging panel, they transformed our academic study into a meaningful community learning experience.
Both the debate and essays showcased what our students can create when they are passionate about something. This extension of their work was a wonderful example of meaningful civic participation, and joy for learning.
You can watch the full debate here.