Posted on January 22, 2018
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Categories: News, Student Projects

In science, we have been exploring the impacts of reducing, reusing, recycling at SLAMS and the world at large.
In a sample collected by our 5th and 6th graders, we learned that over 60% of our waste at school is paper and nearly 80% of our total waste is recyclable material that goes to the landfill. Based on these staggering numbers, four of our 5th graders have stepped up and volunteered to join a SLAMS recycling club.

Highlights from our most recent project: Three of our 5th graders have started a papercraft club where you can assemble your own recyclable paper toy, several of our 5th and 6th graders used their skills at scratch to code recycling games, a number of 5th and 6th graders also wrote and recorded persuasive podcasts about the dangers of microplastics and the importance of recycling.

We recently won the pets in the classroom grant which will allow us to set up a small aquaponics system in the school! We’re looking forward to partnering with North Bay again to teach students about ecosystems and our local watershed.