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Category: Student Projects

student holding humanities project

Projects in Humanities

Congratulations to all Voyagers and Pathfinders for turning in their first Humanities project of the year! On Thursday and Friday this past week, 5th and 6th graders shared their completed projects with their peers. These projects were written pieces that profiled who students are in school and out of school. Students detailed the communities they…

Learning from Ourselves, Learning with Others

In Humanities, students at SLA-MS have been exploring the questions: How do we learn? How do we learn from ourselves? How do we learn from others? As a whole school, we read “Ghost” by Jason Reynolds and worked on determining theme and understanding why determining theme helps us to be stronger readers. As we read,…

Rovercast Episode 2

After a long wait, Episode 2 of our podcast, Rovercast, is live!  You can find us on iTunes, or any of your favorite podcast providers.  Just search for Rovercast.  You can also listen to it on our podcast page.  We hope to have one more episode before we break for summer.  Thanks, as always, to…

Societies Becoming Braver: The American Revolution

How do societies become braver over time? What does it mean to fight for freedom? How was the American Revolution a fight for freedom? At the end, who was free? Who wasn’t? How does individual bravery connect to societal bravery? These are the questions students have begun to explore in Humanities this week! In order…

Becoming Braver in Humanities

Students are deep in their project in the Team Humanities unit, “Becoming Braver.” Students are writing an essay to compare how two characters, one from their most recent literature circle book and one from another book they’ve read this year, change over time. In doing this essay, students are working on their introductory and concluding…

SLAMS Featured In The Tribune

Check it out!  SLAMS is featured in the Learning Key section of the Philadelphia Tribune!  In the Student Corner, 6th grader Johannah shares her experiences here at SLAMS.  In the School of the Week section, read about the awesome Bravery In The Neighborhood Podcast project created by Ms. Hilary and Ms. Grieco. You can read…

Science Updates

In science, we have been exploring the impacts of reducing, reusing, recycling at SLAMS and the world at large. In a sample collected by our 5th and 6th graders, we learned that over 60% of our waste at school is paper and nearly 80% of our total waste is recyclable material that goes to the…

SLAMS Rovercast Podcast Is Now Live!

Great news!  The first episode of SLAMS Rovercast, the podcast for SLA Middle School, is now complete and available for download.  The Podcast Club has been working hard for the past month to decide on their topics, write scripts, record, select music, and put the episode together. You can check out our current episode and…

Environmental Art

The 6th grade just finished doing a big linocut-printing project in art! Each student chose a letter of the alphabet and researched an environmental related topic they found, expanding on the work they were doing In science on recycling! From their research they developed several designs to represent important ideas or powerful visuals that they…

Becoming Braver in Humanities

In Humanities classes, students are starting up their new unit, “Becoming Braver.” In this unit students will examine how individuals change over time. To start, students will focus on the main character of their newest literature circle book at they track how this individual grows over the course of the novel. Over the next three…