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Posts tagged ‘humanities’

Field Trip to the Museum of the American Revolution

On Monday, SLA-MS students headed to the Museum of the American Revolution as part of the wrap-up to our most recent unit in Humanities – Societies Becoming Braver: The American Revolution. For the past month students have been working on a dual perspective journal. Part of their journal comes from their perspective as they analyze…

Societies Becoming Braver: The American Revolution

How do societies become braver over time? What does it mean to fight for freedom? How was the American Revolution a fight for freedom? At the end, who was free? Who wasn’t? How does individual bravery connect to societal bravery? These are the questions students have begun to explore in Humanities this week! In order…

Becoming Braver in Humanities

Students are deep in their project in the Team Humanities unit, “Becoming Braver.” Students are writing an essay to compare how two characters, one from their most recent literature circle book and one from another book they’ve read this year, change over time. In doing this essay, students are working on their introductory and concluding…

Becoming Braver in Humanities

In Humanities classes, students are starting up their new unit, “Becoming Braver.” In this unit students will examine how individuals change over time. To start, students will focus on the main character of their newest literature circle book at they track how this individual grows over the course of the novel. Over the next three…

Walking Tour of West Philadelphia

Today is the day!  Join us on our walking tour of West Philadelphia as we celebrate Bravery In The Neighborhood! In Humanities, students have been studying bravery from both a personal and historical perspective. We’ve looked at bravery within ourselves as readers and writers, literacy as bravery throughout history, and bravery in middle school. In…

Join Us For Our Bravery In The Neighborhood Walking Tour December 19

On Tuesday, December 19th, students will have the final presentation for their Bravery in the Neighborhood project. For this project, students chose a location in the neighborhood, did extensive research on the site, and then outlined, drafted, revised, and recorded a podcast about their site. Now, we have compiled these podcasts to create an audio…

What’s New In Humanities

This week, both Humanities will be working through the principles of the Black Lives Matter movement. Through reading a variety of fiction and informational texts, they will be thinking and talking about how these principles integrate with the 5th grade essential question “What makes community work?”